
The Zen Way of Coaching with Kåre

The Zen Way of Coaching – Relaxing Into Being is the foundational element and forms the bedrock of the Zen Coaching approach. Here we explore the simplicity and power of stopping and simply being – enjoying this moment as it is.
May 7 – May 12, 2024

Book your ticket

Presence & Inquiry

The Zen Way of Coaching – Relaxing Into Being is the foundational element and forms the bedrock of the Zen Coaching approach. Here we explore the simplicity and power of stopping and simply being – enjoying this moment as it is.

This is followed by the active engagement of Inquiry into the present moment; looking deeply into my experience to understand it fully, and to let the natural intelligence of life unfold.

This is the basis of the Zen Coaching process and it supports us in being of deep support to ourselves and others. As we relax, we also access our true, full and amazing inner potential of peace, strength, joy, love, freedom, trust, compassion, clarity and creativity.


Coaching is the art of supporting awareness, responsibility and conscious choice, mainly by using powerful questions and deep listening. Curiosity and trust are the foundation of this kind of support, and they are also the basis for a life of joy, fulfillment, expansion, growth, healing, transformation and ease.

In this module, we explore what supports these qualities, and what blocks them. We also learn the basic framework and toolbox for working as an effective coach – both for self-coaching and in coaching others.

About the Zen Coaching Training

It is a one-year journey that consists of four modules of 5 days each (20 days) plus practice between modules. The modules are either offered as residential training in a retreat center, or as city workshops.

More than 400 people have completed the Zen Coaching Training since it was first offered in 2005. Completing the training means the possibility of being an active part of an exciting and nourishing international community of coaches for mutual support, inspiration, and friendship. Ongoing deepening trainings, teacher´s training, and coaching supervision is part of the offers in the International Zen Coaching Network.

Practical Information

Arrival day: Tuesday 7th of May, 2024
Reception is open for check-in: 18:00
First meal: 18:30
The retreat starts at: 20:00

Departure day: Sunday 12th of May, 2024
Last meal: 14:00
Check-out of rooms latest at: 16:00

Kåre Landfald

Read more about Kåre Landfald

Kåre is the founder of Zen Coaching. He is offering training on leadership, communication and cooperation for organizations.

Heart painting - Zen Coaching
Outdoors picture - Zen Coaching
Dandelion - Zen Coaching

Full training – four modules

The one-year program consists of four main modules that build upon one another:

  • Module 1: The Zen Way of Coaching – Relaxing Into Being
  • Module 2: Deep Healing & Transformation
  • Module 3: Relating from the Heart
  • Module 4: Acting from Being

Once you complete the first module you can choose to continue with the entire training. In the full training, you will expand and deepen your presence, understanding, and skills by working more deeply and integrating the different aspects of the Zen Coaching approach in your own life and in working with clients.

Currently, the training is offered in Sweden and Poland.


Key elements


  • Awareness of the Here and Now
  • Inner listening and body-awareness
  • The power of intention
  • Seeing our own and others potential
  • To go with the flow while listening
  • Saying “Yes” to what we experience
  • Supporting questions for understanding the nature of feelings, needs, and desires
  • Recognizing our true being and its qualities of strength, peace, trust, clarity, etc. – and nourishing those qualities in everyday living


  • Shifting from Victimhood to Creator energy
  • Reframing problems into opportunities
  • Coaching into the depth of being/essence
  • Listening to the wisdom of the body
  • Working with the wheel of life
  • Working with action plans
  • Managing anger
  • Transforming shock, guilt, and shame
  • Roleplay in coaching
  • Coaching in conflict Management
  • Expanding to live our true power, clarity, trust, and wisdom
  • Clarification of life purpose

The coaching relationship

  • Structure of a coaching session and coaching relationships
  • Ethics in the coaching relationship
  • Liberating our relationship with money
  • Handling challenging coaching situations
  • Marketing a coaching practice


Course fee NOK 6500 + food and accommodation from SEK 4300

Accommodation upgrades will influence the price per ticket.

Join The Zen Way of Coaching with Kåre now!

More information

  • The training is in English.
  • Participants who complete the training become part of the active network Zen Coaching Network which provides further training, coaching, deepenings, financial support for projects etc.
  • See www.zen-coaching.com/training for detailed information about the Zen Coaching Training

For questions about the course please contact: eva.zencoaching@gmail.com

Warmly welcome to Zen Coaching – Relaxing into Being at Ängsbacka!