
General policies & guidelines

The policies and the associated consequences stated below apply to everyone that visits Ängsbacka.


The terms found through the link are valid unless otherwise stated on the event page itself, alternatively has been specifically communicated by the workshop leader for that specific event.



  • We expect you to cancel your participation if you, close to the start of (or during the event itself) know, or have a valid reason to believe, that you are carrying a contagious virus. We refer to you having symptoms of for example stomach flu, influenza or a cold here, diseases that may cause an immediate health risk for other participants. Remember, it is your responsibility to do what you can to minimize the risk of infecting others.
  • If your travel here is cancelled or if you cannot join due to travel restrictions within Sweden or internationally, the above policy still applies and we do under no circumstances reimburse you for any travel tickets bought.
  • Please note! Some events have alternative/additional policies and guidelines, if this is the case, special care will be given to clearly communicate this to all customers in the booking flow. If you are not sure what applies to the event you are attending, please contact our booking office for clarification. 


Making a booking with us equals consent to our Personal Data Policy (as follows):

It is important for us that you as a customer feel safe around how Ängsbacka handles your personal data. Our focus is to give all customers the best service possible; this requires that we have access to the following information about you: name, address, date of birth, phone number and email address.

We are relying on this information to be able to correctly process your requested service.

In addition to this, due to the type of events we offer, we will also ask you to specify a gender (some events have a limited amount of tickets offered within a certain gender group).

We handle all data in compliance with Swedish law and GDPR. We have chosen to cooperate with Transitor AB (the supplier of our booking system) and in that cooperation, we have secured full ownership of the customer database and that it is handled in line with this policy. You always have the full right to take part in the data we have collected from you, as well as to revise and correct them as needed. Access to personal information will only be shared with Ängbacka related partners as course facilitators and program coordinators. They are informed and consent to only use your information to communicate about the event you signed up for and related events they are holding themselves. They are without exception not allowed to sell your personal information to any other party.

Once we have delivered our service to you (the event is fully paid and completed) you can actively reach out to us with any wish to be removed from our system. We will systematically remove data related to customers that have not requested our services within the past 7 years.


All events have a set time for check out that will be communicated in the welcome letter before arrival to Ängsbacka. Unless your event allows for you to book an extra night everyone is expected to leave their room at that time. The check-out routine and clarification on what is expected of you in terms of cleaning the room before departure varies with different types of events. In the welcome letter or as a part of the practical information given to you upon arrival this will be clarified to you.Please note that failing to vacate your room/bed by those times will incur a Late Checkout Fee of 200 SEK


All operations on Ängsbacka are based on a drug and alcohol free environment. The aim is to create a safe atmosphere that favors authentic meetings, personal development and spiritual practice. This means that guests and residents must not consume or be under the influence of alcohol and drugs in the whole area of Ängsbacka.

A person in the area of Ängsbacka under the obvious influence of alcohol or drugs can be asked to leave immediately by the management team or a person appointed by the management.
A person who repeatedly violates the alcohol and drug policy, and after two warnings from Ängsbackas management again violate this policy, receive a ban from Ängsbacka for six months.

Ängsbacka management can demand that a person struggling with alcohol- or drug related abuse who wishes to participate in Ängsbacka’s program is willing to work on oneself and receive the support available; for example, by participating in meetings with Alcoholics Anonymous.

The policy is evaluated annually by the General Circle, changes are consented to by the Association board.

Appendix to this policy agreed by General Circle November 11, 2015
All substances that are intended to alter one’s state of consciousness that are drunk, eaten, inhaled, snorted, sniffed and / or injected, and that are not prescribed by a licensed physician, are prohibited. For example, ayahuasca, cannabis oil and tobacco that is snorted.

It is also prohibited to hire and / or promote the above substances (such as ayahuasca), and ceremonies related to these to people onsite at Ängsbacka (including volunteers, staff, guests and participants).
Non-alcoholic beer and wine are not allowed to be consumed in public places / areas at Ängsbacka, such as the dining room, lounge and kitchen, Orange corridor, sauna, outdoor etc. Non-alcoholic beer and wine can be consumed by residents in private rooms at the Yellow House or the Red House, provided that any room-mates will be notified and verbally agree to this.

Those who repeatedly violate this added alcohol and drug policy, including non-alcoholic beer and wine policy, and after a warning from Ängsbackas management again violate this policy, receive a ban from Ängsbacka for six months.
Exceptions for non-alcoholic beer and wine consumption can be made for special events as decided by the General Circle.

If so far unknown or other substances are detected or detected at Ängsbacka, and / or conflict about the alcohol and drug policy occurs, this is addressed and decided upon in General Circle.


Unless you actively ask to be excluded from this part of our communication with our previous and current customers, you can expect us to get in touch with you who have participated in our events to share:

  • Welcome letter, thank you letters and evaluation surveys.
  • Offerings to sign up for mailing lists in a similar area of interest.
  • Information about similar future events or events with the same workshop leaders.

We also share a monthly newsletter where we tell about what is going on at Ängsbacka, upcoming events etc. You can opt in and out of our newsletter at any time. Information on how to register or opt out you find in the newsletter itself or on our website.


When completing a booking with us you consent to the following:
Photos and videos produced by Ängsbacka and shared through www.angsbacka.com, on site marketing material and our social media channels, are essential for us. Through photo and video we portray our festivals, courses and volunteer programs and inspire more people to consciously create the life they desire on Earth. Pictures serve as reminders of experiences, encounters and insights people may have had at Ängsbacka. To support us sharing the love and beauty of Ängsbacka we ask you to understand and agree to the following:

1. Ängsbacka’s own photographers will take pictures and film what Ängsbacka needs to be able to share about Ängsbacka’s festivals, courses and volunteer programs in printed form and digitally through Ängsbacka’s Social media channels such as Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Flickr, etc. The work of the photographers takes place both in workshops and in the field. Ängsbacka will use images for all events promoted via the website www.angsbacka.se – including hosted events such as Sexsibility, Sacred Womb and Embodied sound as well as courses. Beyond these close collaborations Ängsbacka does not share images with a third party. 

2. Unless I personally contact Ängsbacka’s media team via marketing@angsbacka.se to revoke my consent, Ängsbacka has the right to use my picture with the intention to share the Ängsbacka experience, as described above. The consent is valid until actively revoked by me.

3. Ängsbacka’s photographers will actively ask for consent from caretakers before taking pictures where a child/children are the main person/s featured.

4. As a participant, workshop leader, musician or volunteer, I am not allowed to film or photograph during actual workshops or other activities (Heart Dance, Open Stage, etc) during Ängsbacka festivals and courses.

5. As a participant, workshop leader, musician or volunteer, I am allowed to photograph or film in the field – during meals, while mingling at the café or in the park or campsite or similar. I agree to ask for consent from the people in the photo or video both regarding taking their picture and sharing it. Ängsbacka encourages me to share my Ängsbacka experience with friends and family within my social media network. 

6. Specific events at Ängsbacka may have an alternative policy for photo, film and printed media. I will receive clear information and agree to the alternative policy at the time of booking.


As a visitor at Ängsbacka you are solely responsible for your personal belongings at all times.

During the actual event Ängsbacka will support you to retrieve any items lost by setting up, and maintaining specific “Lost & Found”-labelled boxes nearby the workshop-spaces. Collected items will be stored for a total of 2 weeks upon completion of the event.
Valuables such as wallets, digital devices, keys and similar are kept at our booking office and can be reclaimed by their rightful owner for a maximum of 3 months after the event. Valuables are the only items that will be sent to you after the event is over and you will be charged for the shipping cost and an administrative fee of 100 SEK. Valuables are returned upon description.

Please reclaim and hand in lost valuables in the booking office.
Email booking@angsbacka.se for questions regarding Lost & Found.

Please be aware that Ängsbacka does not take any responsibility for personal belongings – the above is to be considered a service and not a guarantee that you will be able to retrieve lost items whether valuables or others, such as clothing


Ängsbacka is continuously developing intentions for offering supportive and transformational spaces – read our Code of Ethics here.​


Ängsbacka coexists with the locals of the small town of Molkom and this relationship is very valuable to us.

The public road that runs past Ängsbacka is shared with our closest neighbours and we are expecting you as a visitor to fully respect signs and instructions, especially in regards to unloading and parking of your car. The same goes for tents and caravans – these can ONLY be pitched/parked in designated areas and absolutely not in the nearby forest as we do not have permission for this from the owner (the municipality of Karlstad). Red/white tape is generally used to visually indicate areas that may not be entered by visitors. 

Some of our neighbours have farm animals and we especially ask all visitors to refrain from any interactions with these.

Finally, we ask all of our visitors to pack swimwear for visits to the local beaches as we, unfortunately, do not have a beach for nudity in Molkom.